Results for 'J. K. Shelton'

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  1.  56
    Unhealthy Health Care Costs.J. K. Shelton & J. M. Janosi - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (1):7-19.
    The private sector has implemented many cost containment measures in efforts to control rising health care costs. However, these measures have not controlled costs in the long run, and can be expected not to succeed as long as business cannot control factors within the health care system which affect costs. Controlling private sector health care costs requires constraints on cost shifting which necessitates a unified financing system with expenditure limits. A unified financing system will involve a partnership between the public (...)
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    Resource depletion does not influence prospective memory in college students.Jill Talley Shelton, Michael J. Cahill, Hillary G. Mullet, Michael K. Scullin, Gilles O. Einstein & Mark A. McDaniel - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1223-1230.
    This paper reports an experiment designed to investigate the potential influence of prior acts of self-control on subsequent prospective memory performance. College undergraduates performed either a cognitively depleting initial task or a less resource-consuming version of that task . Subsequently, participants completed a prospective memory task that required attentionally demanding monitoring processes. The results demonstrated that prior acts of self-control do not impair the ability to execute a future intention in college-aged adults. We conceptually replicated these results in three additional (...)
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    (1 other version)Exploring consumer orientation toward returns: unethical dimensions.Kathy Wachter, Scott J. Vitell, Ruth K. Shelton & Kyungae Park - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (1):115-128.
    As customer return rates increase, retailer bottom lines suffer from customers’ misuse of the policies and to the ethics of such practice. The purpose of this study is to explore customers’ orientation toward return behaviors, and to develop a return orientation assessing these dimensions. This research identified three dimensions relevant to consumer return behavior: the planned/unethical returner; the eager returner; and the reluctant/educated returner. A retest with another sample confirmed these three dimensions. Each dimension was analyzed for its relationship with (...)
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  4. Laboratory studies of behavior without awareness.J. K. Adams - 1957 - Psychological Bulletin 54:383-405.
  5.  41
    History of the Peking Summer Palaces under the Ch'ing Dynasty.J. K. Shryock & Carroll Brown Malone - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (4):443.
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    Some Technical Terms of Chinese Painting.J. K. Shryock & Benjamin March - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (3):382.
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    The Thousand Years of Uncertainty: A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Vol. II.J. K. Shryock & K. S. Latourette - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (4):530.
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    The West Chamber.J. K. Shryock & Henry H. Hart - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (2):205.
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    (1 other version)Law and medical ethics.J. K. Mason - 1991 - Austin, Tex.: Butterworths. Edited by Alexander McCall Smith.
    This volume offers an analysis of ethical concepts based on positive legal principles and court decisions, describing what actually happens in practice, or where there are no precedents available, what is most likely to happen. Broadly, it deals with the wide range of potentially difficult situations in which the community, as represented by the law, may come into conflict with the medical profession.
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    Catalogue des Collections Indochinoises.J. K. Shryock & Pierre Dupont - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (3):380.
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    Lehrgang der chinesischen Schriftsprache.J. K. Shryock & E. Haenisch - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (4):361.
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    Nationalism and Education in Modern China.J. K. Shryock & Cyrus H. Peake - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):93.
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    The Oracle Bones from Honan.J. K. Shryock & George Bounakoff - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (3):376.
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  14. The First Easter. The Evidence for the Ressurection Evaluated.J. K. Naland - 1988 - Free Inquiry 8 (2):10-20.
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    Locke on consent, membership and emigration: A reconsideration.J. K. Numao - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    This article revisits long-standing questions about consent, membership and emigration in Locke’s thought. Commentators such as A John Simmons have argued that Locke opens political membership to both express consenters and some kind of tacit consenters, and not just to the former, as some have suggested. Simmons’s reading seems to render Locke more sensible in that it does not exclude large numbers of people from membership or burden the few members with all the civic duties, and also in that it (...)
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    Implications of Eshkol-Wachman movement notation for behavioural pharmacology.J. K. Shepherd & C. T. Dourish - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):754-754.
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  17. Legitimating purposive action.J. K. Sheriff - 1993 - Semiotica 93 (1-2):155-171.
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    A History of Chinese PhilosophyChina's First Unifier: A Study of the Ch'in Dynasty as Seen in the Life of Li SsǔChina's First Unifier: A Study of the Ch'in Dynasty as Seen in the Life of Li Ssu.J. K. Shryock, Fung Yu-lan & Derk Bodde - 1938 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 58 (3):488.
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    Übersetzungen aus dem Wên HsüanUbersetzungen aus dem Wen Hsuan.J. K. Shryock & Erwin von Zach - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (1):94.
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  20.  32
    Careers for Students of Chinese Language and Civilization.J. K. Shryock & Lewis Hodous - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (4):364.
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    Interaction between sensory spatial aftereffects and persistence of response following behavioral compensation.J. K. Collins & G. Singer - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):301.
  22. Rhyme, rhythm and truth in economics.J. K. Mehta - 1967 - London,: Asia Publishing House.
  23.  55
    Butchvarov on existence.J. K. Swindler - 1981 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):229-236.
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    The Permanent Heartland of Subjectivity.J. K. Swindler - 1995 - Idealistic Studies 25 (3):221-229.
    One aim of that type of transcendental argument known to us as the cogito is to reveal a self about which there can be no contention, neither about its existence nor its nature. Serious doubts are, of course, perennial over whether there is any such thing as the self, if that is meant to imply that all selves have some essence or structure in common, and whether selves are best understood in terms of their intrinsic nature or external influences. Here (...)
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  25. LITERATURE and liFe.J. K. Elliott - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham, The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge. pp. 87.
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    Literary Chinese: Vol. I, the Hsiao Ching.J. K. Shryock & H. G. Creel - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (1):153.
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    La Somme du Grand VéhiculeWei-shih-er-shih-lunLa Somme du Grand Vehicule.J. K. Shryock, Étienne Lamotte, Clarence H. Hamilton & Etienne Lamotte - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (1):115.
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  28.  56
    Does Strawson’s “Reconciliation” Apply to Groups?J. K. Swindler - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (1):135-142.
  29.  19
    The Reason for the Danaids' Flight.J. K. MacKinnon - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (01):74-.
    The central question of Aeschylus' Supplices has usually been taken to be the reason for the flight of the Danaids. The most exhaustive guide to the many theories, of varying plausibility, which have been developed to account for this flight is provided by A. F. Garvie's book on the Supplices. For present purposes, therefore, it is unnecessary to examine any but the two most acceptable theories in detail. Nevertheless, a brief summary, prior to this examination, of two other, initially attractive, (...)
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    Warm and Dead?J. K. Miles, Jeri A. Conboy, Aluko A. Hope & Tia Powell - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (5):9-10.
    Robert F. is an eighty-five-year-old who suffered a heart attack at home in a rural location some thirty minutes from any major hospital. By the time the paramedics arrived, he was unconscious and nonresponsive. After spontaneous return of circulation, they began their standard procedure of therapeutic hypothermia. Robert's core temperature was lowered using ice packs, and cold intravenous fluids were initiated. Soon afterward, Robert started to shiver when his body temperature reached 35.6° Celsius. He was then given a bolus of (...)
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  31. Imitations in literature and life : Apocrypha and martyrdom.J. K. Elliott - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham, The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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  32. Calvin: Theological Treatises, Vol. XXII in the Library of Christian Classics.J. K. S. Reid - 1954
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  33. Assumptions of Whitehead's and Russell's "Principia Mathematica".J. K. Feibleman - 1973 - International Logic Review 8:201.
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    What psychiatry means to us.J. K. Trivedi & D. Goel - 2006 - Mens Sana Monographs 4 (1):166.
    Psychiatry has come up as one of the most dynamic branches of medicine in recent years. There are a lot of controversies regarding concepts, nosology, definitions and treatments in psychiatry, all of which are presently under a strict scanner. Differences are so many that even the meaning of psychiatry varies amongst individual psychiatrists. For us, it is an art to practice psychiatry and give the patient what he needs. Still, it should be practiced with great caution and utmost sincerity towards (...)
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  35.  6
    Macintyre’s Republic.J. K. Swindler - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):343-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MACINTYRE'S REPUBLIC J. K. SWINDLER Westminster College Fulton, Missouri CONTRARY TO HIS own evident intentions and perceptions, in After Virtue A'lasdair Macinty!l.·e is much more of a Ptlatonist 1than the A1 ristotelian he aims to be. I hase this judgment both on the positive evidence that Macintyre and Plato (in the Republic) m1gue for and against the same crucial theses and on the negative evidence that Plato has read (...)
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  36.  6
    Thomas More, Erasmus and Julius II : A Case of Advocacy.J. K. Sowards - 1969 - Moreana 6 (4):81-99.
  37.  15
    The ethics of clinical trials.J. K. Wing - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (4):174-175.
    In summary, the discussion by Professors Helmchen and Müller-Oerlinghausen of the morality of clinical trials has emphasized a point that is frequently overlooked. It is an essential to consider those situations in which it might be unethical not to conduct a trial as it is to be concerned about the ways in which trials might restrict the rights of the individuals taking part in them. They and I have dealt mainly with the first of these two issues because it has (...)
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    The Unmasking of Medicine.J. K. Mason - 1983 - Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (1):51-51.
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    Education and Civilization: The Transmission of Culture.J. K. Feibleman - 1987 - Springer.
    It has been asserted that there is no one universal proposition with which all philosophers would agree, including this one. The pre dicament has rarely been recognized and almost never accepted, although neither has it been successfully challenged. If the claim holds true for philosophy taken by itself, how much more must it of religion, the hold for crossfield interests, such as the philosophy philosophy of science and many others. The philosophy of educa tion is a particular case in point. (...)
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    Conversations with Phocion: The Political Thought of Mably.J. K. Wright - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (3):391.
    In recent years a novel picture of Mably's thought has begun to emerge within Anglo-American scholarship, suggesting perhaps a constructive alternative to both the �radical� and the �conservative� interpretations. On this reading, Mably should be seen as neither a proto-socialist nor a reactionary thinker, but as a republican -- a classical republican, in fact, whose writing represents a later Gallic contribution to the political tradition founded by Machiavelli and Harrington.3 In fact, nothing is more obvious to any reader than the (...)
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    Die schöpferische Ereinheitlichung.J. K. V. Hoesslin - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6 (1):1-12.
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    Gemütserregungen und Empfindungsgefühle.J. K. V. Hoesslin - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7 (1):217-230.
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    The idealism of Leibniz and Lotze.J. K. Majumdar - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (5):456-468.
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    ""Patients as" subjects" or" objects" in residency education?J. K. Vinicky, R. B. Connors Jr, R. Leader & J. D. Nash - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (1):35-41.
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    A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms.J. K. Shryock, W. E. Soothill & L. Hodous - 1938 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 58 (4):694.
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    Socially disruptive technologies and epistemic injustice.J. K. G. Hopster - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-8.
    Recent scholarship on technology-induced ‘conceptual disruption’ has spotlighted the notion of a conceptual gap. Conceptual gaps have also been discussed in scholarship on epistemic injustice, yet up until now these bodies of work have remained disconnected. This article shows that ‘gaps’ of interest to both bodies of literature are closely related, and argues that a joint examination of conceptual disruption and epistemic injustice is fruitful for both fields. I argue that hermeneutical marginalization—a skewed division of hermeneutical resources, which serves to (...)
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    The Lore of the Chinese LuteHsi K'ang and His Poetical Essay on the Lute.J. K. Shryock, R. H. van Gulik & Hsi K'ang - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (4):299.
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  48. Świadomość ekologiczna i jej stan w świetle badań społecznych w Polsce.J. K. Gąsecki - 1997 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 3.
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  49. L'origine des étoiles binaires.J. K. Jeans - 1922 - Scientia 16 (31):1.
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    Hsuntze; the Moulder of Ancient Confucianism.J. K. Shryock & H. H. Dubs - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:88.
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